Regular workshops and groups at the Centre for Reflection
In addition to the special events, the Centre organises regular groups and workshops. There is no necessity to make contact in advance, but you may prefer to contact the coordinator team to find out more about the group and about how to contact the convenor. These are:
Meditation Group -- 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month, 11.30am -- Affiliated to the World Community for Christian Meditation. We listen to a recording, meditate for 25 mins and then have a short discussion relating to the recording -- Convenor: Julie Young
Writing Group -- 1st Thursday of the month, 1.30pm -- Come and use the quietness of the Centre to write and share your writing. Usually finishes at 3.30pm -- Convenor: Margaret Gallop
Although each group has a core of regular people, there is no expectation of attending every time and each group is open to new people or indeed people who just wish to attend once or twice.
Cost for any of the groups: donation. £5 is suggested, but you may feel moved to contribute more if you wish. Occasionally more will be asked for to cover materials. There is the opportunity to use Gift Aid.
Although the groups are regular, there may very occasionally be a reason to change the day, time or Aston Tirrold United Reformed Church
Spring Lane, Aston Tirrold, Didcot, Oxon OX11 9EJ
how to find us