Centre for Reflection pool

Forthcoming events at the
Centre for Reflection at Aston Tirrold

Centre main room in use

Events soon

The Centre for Reflection welcomes you to its occasional events

Saturday 8 June 2024, 10am-4pm -- Quiet Garden Day - The Joy of Lament -- Exploring some thoughts from Esther de Waal's book 'The White Stone' - Reflections led by Philip Mader-Grayson
Suggested donation for the day: £10 - please bring your own packed lunch - coffee and tea provided - contact Rev Josie Midwinter (email: Josie dot midwinter at gmail dot com) to say you're coming to this event and to find out more details

Recent event(s)

Friday 24 May 2024, 7-9pm -- Climate Play evening -- A different way of thinking about climate change - with LEGO! Join Lucy Hawthorne, founder and facilitor of Climate Play

For more details see this poster -- Feel free to print and display it

Regular events

The Centre for Reflection also holds regular open events: Writing (monthly) and Meditation (twice monthly). Please see the page on regular events.

Centre for Reflection
at Aston Tirrold United Reformed Church
Spring Lane, Aston Tirrold, Didcot, Oxon OX11 9EJ
how to find us