Centre for Reflection
The Centre for Reflection at Aston Tirrold is used for retreats, quiet days, talks, workshops, celebrations/parties, meditation, music making, training, away days and meetings. You are invited to join in one of the Centre's workshops, quiet days, groups and talks or to organise an event for your group at the Centre by making a booking.
You can find out more about the Centre by following this link.
Forthcoming events at the CentreAll are welcome at workshops, quiet days, groups and talks organized by the Centre for Reflection. The forthcoming event summary is below. For more details of an event, please see the events page. Friday 24 May 2024, 7-9pm -- Climate Play evening -- using LEGO to explore a different way of thinking about climate change -- see the events page for more detail The Centre for Reflection also holds regular events: Writing (monthly) and Meditation (twice monthly). Please see the page on regular events. |
Booking the CentreYou may be interested in booking the Centre for Reflection for use by a group that you're associated with. The Centre can be used for a church away day, a staff workshop, a course, a small group and also hosts privately booked parties. For more details about this, please see the booking the Centre page. |
The Centre for Reflection is run by and located at Aston Tirrold URC (United Reformed Church)
at Aston Tirrold United Reformed Church
Spring Lane, Aston Tirrold, Didcot, Oxon OX11 9EJ
how to find us